Annie Haslam
Skaila - playing stardust - in the moonlight
Turning into music - colouring the daybreak
Following the morning - Skaila she plays on ...

Skaila she takes the shadow - into the distance
On reflecting rainbows, silhouettes of sunshine
Skaila she plays on

Skaila plays on spirals - circles turning
Falling into rivers - melodies are streaming
Playing all around us - Skaila she plays on

Skaila she takes the sunshine - into the darkness
Where she finds the music - scattered in the right time
Skaila she plays on

Skaila plays on mirrors - stretching over
Tumbles into voices - echoing the music
Everyone is dreaming - Skaila she plays on

그외 검색된 가사들

가수 노래제목
한주(HANJU) English dumb (prod. VAS SKALLA)

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