Excreting irresponsibility in the name of freedom
Take ugliness as different beauty in the name of individuality
(Yet) weakness is not different strength and defeat is not different victory
Truth is lost in chaos and the world goes crazy
Mistakes glossed over as misunderstanding
Loser's servility lauded as tolerance
Past flows into the oblivion
Now no one can tell what is what
The poor elect the rich on false hopes
Let the liars lead the parade
And follow, blinded by big mouths
That never apologize but explain the difference
Hard to accept the truth, easy to overlook
Hard to find the justice, easy to be blinded
Never admit ignorance, but always insist upon difference
What is wrong with this picture this is nobody's future
Fucked up truth, goddamn difference
Fucked up lives, goddamn ignorance
Fucking losers, goddamn weakness
Fucking country, what the fuck is wrong?