Ouchie, ouch!
I lost my tooth!
Ouchie, ouch!
It’s okay.
When you lose a tooth!
What should I do
if I lose my tooth?
In England,
put the tooth under the pillow.
Dear Tooth Fairy,
Come visit me while I sleep!
What should I do
if I lose my tooth?
In Korea,
throw the tooth onto the roof.
Dear magpie,
please bring me a new tooth!
Ouchie, ouch!
I lost my tooth!
Ouchie, ouch!
It’s okay.
When you lose a tooth!
What should I do
if I lose my tooth?
In Angola,
put the tooth in your slipper.
Dear mouse,
will you take my tooth tonight?
What should I do
if I lose my tooth?
In Jamaica,
put it in a can
and shake it, shake it!
Rolling Calf, get away!
Ouchie, ouch!
I lost my baby tooth.
It’s all right.