“Oh no! I’m stuck!”
“I’m the color fairy, and I’m going to help!”
The lock is red
Let’s find a color key
Is it blue? No, no
Is it green? No, no
Is it red? Yes, it is!
The red key will fit
Yay! It’s open now!
The lock is yellow
Let’s find a color key
Is it purple? No, no
Is it black? No, no
Is it yellow? Yes, it is!
The yellow key will fit
Yay! It’s open now!
The lock is green
Let’s find a color key
Is it orange? No, no
Is it red? No, no
Is it green? Yes, it is!
The green key will fit
Yay! It’s open now!
The lock is blue
Let’s find a color key
Is it white? No, no
Is it yellow? No, no
Is it blue? Yes, it is!
The blue key will fit
Yay! It’s open now!
“Let’s escape from this room!”
“Now it’s a rainbow door!”
A rainbow door
Let’s find a color key
Red and yellow
Green and blue
Combine colors
And make a rainbow key
Yay! It’s open now!
“We escaped!”
“Thank you, color fairy!”