moment you can to my heart just by chance
모멘 유캔투마이헛져슷바이챤~
to me.. you do seem to be a stranger
투미.... 유두심투비어스트랜져~
it true so love for you
잇츄루소럽 포유
to finally fine me
for a 1000 years I'll wating for you
포러싸우젼이어 아일웨딩포유
moden 10000 tears for the return the love
모던밀리언티어 포더리턴더럽
remember forevermore we stand for the 1000 years
리멤버포레버모어 위스탠포더싸우젼이어
sometimes I know with it like be is he.. yes true
썸타임 아노위딧라익비이히.. 예스츄루
untill that I will preinform our true love
언틸댓 아윌프레인폼아워츄루럽