너머로(Beyond)-English Version
Album : 테일즈위버(Tales Weaver)
Composition : taek
Composing : 남구민
Arrangements : 남구민
Far away from another memory in a deep dream it falls on me
Now I'll shed the hold of shadows for a chance to leave
and I'll dream and find where you are
All the tears and all of the pains will all be gone
it will truely take away my fears forever
With all my heart I'll go through the shining light
and I must reach so far and beyond
to another day yet another day with you
All the tears and all of the fears will all be gone
it will truely take away my fears forever
With all my heart I'll go through the shining light
and I must reach so far and beyond
to another day yet another day with you
Reach for the sky
My heart for you we'll go through the shining light
and we must reach so far and beyond
And now for you I will be your guiding light
and we'll reach so far and beyond
to another day yet another day with you